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Social Emotional Learning

SEL (Social Emotional Learning)

The mission of the School Counseling Program at PS 42 Claremont Community School is to integrate a comprehensive program that aids in student development and success in academic, career, and personal-social domains. We provide a safe and inclusive environment wrapped in trust and respect for ALL students, staff, families, and community. We empower students to be their best self across all domains. We believe that students will become confident, skilled, empathetic, and contributing members of society. We believe that students will become lifelong learners, utilize the life, and career skills embedded at PS 42.


We have a team of mental health professionals at your service. We provide individual and group mandated services as per a student's IEP. We run groups with various topics including social skills, hygiene, safety, bullying, self-awareness, mental health, etc. We provide referrals for outside agencies and have a partnership with Astor Services for Children & Families and BronxWorks for more intensive individual therapeutic services.


For more information, please feel free to reach out to one of our team members...we look forward to working with you!

Contact Information

School Counselors

Ms. Valencia

Ms. Gadson


Selnick, A.: Astor Services for Children & Families - Social Worker

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Contact Us


© 2023 The Claremont School

Tel: 718 - 583 - 7366

1537 Washington Ave, Bronx, NY 10457

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